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Pod 2.0

The AI pipeline coach to sell more

Listed in categories:

ProductivitySalesArtificial Intelligence
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Pod is an AI sales coach that helps Account Executives manage their pipeline effectively and close deals faster. It provides guidance on prioritizing deals, organizing tasks, and developing playbooks. Pod syncs with Salesforce and offers a 2-week pro trial with no credit card required.

How to use Pod 2.0?

To use Pod, sign up for the 2-week pro trial, sync it with Salesforce, and start receiving AI-guided coaching on managing your sales pipeline effectively. Utilize the features like prioritizing deals, organizing tasks, and developing playbooks to improve your sales performance.

Core features of Pod 2.0:


AI Sales Coaching


Pipeline Management


Task Organization


Deal Prioritization


Playbook Development

Why could be used Pod 2.0?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Prioritizing Deals
# 2Organizing Tasks
# 3Developing Playbooks

Pricing of Pod 2.0:

2 Week Pro Trial

Syncs with Salesforce, no credit card required

Who developed Pod 2.0?

Pod Inc.

FAQ of Pod 2.0