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PLAYNE : The Meditation Game

A video game that helps you build a habit of meditation

Listed in categories:

CrowdfundingMeditationHealth & Fitness
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PLAYNE is a mindfulness video game that helps users improve their mental health through daily meditation. It has received high ratings and positive feedback from players on PC, and now the goal is to bring it to mobile platforms. The game guides players through creating a beautiful sanctuary, practicing meditation, and experiencing self-discovery.

How to use PLAYNE : The Meditation Game?

To use PLAYNE, players can choose weather, time, and scenery elements to create personalized soundscapes for meditation. They can engage in practical and effective meditations that promote mindfulness and emotional well-being. The game encourages building a daily meditation habit and offers a rewarding experience for self-discovery and relaxation.

Core features of PLAYNE : The Meditation Game:


Guided meditation


Building a daily meditation habit


Creating immersive environments and soundscapes


Promoting self-discovery and emotional resilience


Providing mindfulness-based strategies

Why could be used PLAYNE : The Meditation Game?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Improving mental health
# 2Building a daily meditation routine
# 3Enhancing emotional regulation and impulse control

Pricing of PLAYNE : The Meditation Game:



One-year full access to Playne



Lifetime access to Playne Mobile and exclusive in-game founders badge

Legendary Edition


Exclusive in-game assets, early access, habit roadmap PDF, and more

Who developed PLAYNE : The Meditation Game?

Krish Shrikumar is an award-winning filmmaker and game designer known for his contributions to mindfulness and well-being through innovative projects like PLAYNE. He has received international recognition for his work, including nominations from BAFTAs, Epic Games, and Steam.

FAQ of PLAYNE : The Meditation Game