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Plataforma Focusred

Plataforma de redações para o ENEM e vestibulares.

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EducationArtificial Intelligence
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FocusRed is a platform that offers a complete course on writing clear and impactful texts, focusing on improving writing skills for academic success, particularly in exams like ENEM. The course is designed to help students achieve high scores and secure admission to top universities. The platform provides detailed feedback on writing assignments to enhance performance and reach desired goals.

How to use Plataforma Focusred?

To use FocusRed, sign up for a plan that suits your needs and start accessing the course materials. Engage in the writing assignments, receive detailed feedback, and utilize the resources provided to enhance your writing skills and achieve high scores in exams like ENEM.

Core features of Plataforma Focusred:


Course on writing clear and impactful texts


Detailed and personalized feedback on writing assignments


Access to eBooks and video lessons


Flexible study pace


Extensive resources for writing

Why could be used Plataforma Focusred?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Improving writing skills for academic success
# 2Preparing for exams like ENEM
# 3Enhancing critical thinking and analytical skills

Pricing of Plataforma Focusred:

Basic Monthly


Access to quality content for writing, including ENEM and vestibular preparation. Includes eBooks and video lessons, study at your own pace, and extensive resources for writing.

Basic Annual


1 year of access to quality content for writing, including ENEM and vestibular preparation. Includes eBooks and video lessons, study at your own pace, and extensive resources for writing. Economical and comprehensive preparation.

Ultra Monthly


Full access to all content and extras, including 4 personalized feedback sessions per month. Flexible topic selection, quality content for writing, including ENEM and vestibular preparation, eBooks, video lessons, and extensive resources for writing.

Who developed Plataforma Focusred?

Letícia Lorrany, a 21-year-old graduate student in Letters at the Federal University of Sergipe, is the creator of FocusRed. With a strong background in teaching and a passion for writing, Letícia aims to empower students to improve their writing skills and excel in exams like ENEM.

FAQ of Plataforma Focusred