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Pingkat is a zero-configuration web tool that helps you stay ahead of hackers by continuously checking website assets and securing your app. Scan your website like hackers do, get notifications about open endpoints, and define your own endpoints to check or use over 318 predefined keywords. Receive instant notifications and monitor your public resources effectively.

Listed in categories:



Pingkat is a zero-configuration web tool that helps you stay one step ahead of hackers by continuously checking website assets. It scans your website like hackers would, notifies you about open endpoints, and allows you to define your own endpoints to check or use over 318 predefined keywords. Get instant notifications and secure your app with Pingkat.

How to use Pingkat?

To use Pingkat, simply enter your website address and let the tool scan for open endpoints. Receive instant notifications and take action to secure your assets. You can also define your own endpoints to monitor or use the predefined keywords for scanning.

Core features of Pingkat:


Continuous monitoring of public resources


Instant notifications for new endpoints


Custom endpoint definition


Predefined keyword scanning


Zero-configuration setup

Why could be used Pingkat?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Stay ahead of hackers
# 2Secure your app
# 3Perfect for pentesters

Who developed Pingkat?

Pingkat is developed by a team dedicated to enhancing web security and providing valuable tools for website protection.

FAQ of Pingkat