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PillTally pill, tablet counter

Count pills and tablets quickly using AI

Listed in categories:

Artificial IntelligenceAndroidiOS
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Onelinkto simplifies app downloads by providing one short link or QR code to access your app on various app stores such as Apple AppStore, Google Play, Huawei AppGallery, and Microsoft Store. It works on multiple devices including iPhone, iPad, Android, and Windows Phone.

How to use PillTally pill, tablet counter?

Simply generate a short link or QR code for your app and share it across different platforms to streamline app downloads.

Core features of PillTally pill, tablet counter:


One short link or QR code for all app stores


Works on multiple devices


Simplifies app downloads


Easy access to app on different platforms

Why could be used PillTally pill, tablet counter?

#Use caseStatus
# 1App developers promoting their apps
# 2Marketing campaigns for app downloads
# 3Simplifying app distribution for users

Who developed PillTally pill, tablet counter?

Onelinkto was originally created by Mobile Interaction & Apputveckling Stockholm.

FAQ of PillTally pill, tablet counter