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AI powered image location search

Listed in categories:

SaaSTechArtificial Intelligence


Picarta AI is an image geolocalization solution that uses Artificial Intelligence to find where a photo has been taken in the world. Our goal is to empower individuals and businesses with the most accurate and reliable image geolocalization technology, unlocking new possibilities for exploration, research, and decision-making.

How to use Picarta?

To use Picarta AI, simply upload a photo and let our AI technology analyze it to determine the location where the photo was taken. You can also explore the extracted EXIF data and detect landmarks in the image.

Core features of Picarta:


Image geolocalization using AI


Upload a photo to find its location


Image EXIF data extraction


Landmarks detection

Why could be used Picarta?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Travel photography
# 2Research and exploration
# 3Location-based marketing

Who developed Picarta?

Picarta AI is developed by a team of passionate AI enthusiasts dedicated to providing innovative solutions for image geolocalization.

FAQ of Picarta