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PentaPrompt is an AI workspace that allows you to access industry-leading models, build personalized AI environments, and generate better output faster. It offers expert tools, personal knowledge bases, custom personas, outstanding UX, and more.

Listed in categories:

BusinessArtificial IntelligenceMarketing


PentaPrompt is an AI workspace that allows users to access the latest models and build personalized AI environments for faster and better output. It offers industry-leading models and features to enhance AI capabilities.

How to use PentaPrompt?

To use PentaPrompt, users can access the latest AI models, build personalized environments, create custom personas, and utilize expert tools for generating output efficiently. They can also benefit from convenience features like image generation, message editing, and more.

Core features of PentaPrompt:


Access to latest AI models


Personalized AI environment


No vendor lock-in


Expert tools for expert results


Custom personas and GPTs

Why could be used PentaPrompt?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Content creation and marketing
# 2Small business assistance
# 3Enhancing productivity and creativity

Pricing of PentaPrompt:



250,000 standard words per month, 25,000 advanced words per month, 25 standard images per month, 5 advanced images per month, unlimited personas, contexts, and folders, access to all models



1,000,000 standard words per month, 100,000 advanced words per month, 100 standard images per month, 30 advanced images per month, unlimited personas, contexts, and folders, access to all models

Who developed PentaPrompt?

PentaPrompt and this landing page are created and run by Daniel Benner.

FAQ of PentaPrompt