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PC Musique Player

Music player for Windows with rich features and themes

Listed in categories:

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PC Musique Player is a music player for Windows with rich features and themes. It allows users to play music from their PC or storage device, customize the player with 16 different themes, and control playback with ease.

How to use PC Musique Player?

To use PC Musique Player, simply select a library folder to play audio files from, double click on a track to play it, and use the space bar for Play/Pause/Resume control. Users can also customize the player theme, control shuffle and loop modes, and use the music visualizer feature.

Core features of PC Musique Player:


Music Playback


PlayPauseResume in a single button


Shuffle and Loop functionality


16 different themes to choose from


Music visualizer

Why could be used PC Musique Player?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Play music from the library selected from PC or storage device
# 2Customize player theme and UI controls
# 3Control playback with ease using single button controls

Who developed PC Musique Player?

PC Musique Player is brought to you by reshmah, a developer passionate about creating user-friendly software solutions.

FAQ of PC Musique Player