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Passkeys by Pangea

Authenticate Smarter, Not Harder with Passkeys

Listed in categories:

APIDeveloper ToolsSecurity
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Pangea offers a comprehensive platform of API-based security services that can be easily integrated into any application to enhance security and compliance measures. The platform includes features like Secure Audit Log, Redact, Embargo, Vault, AuthN, and more.

How to use Passkeys by Pangea?

Integrate Pangea's security services into your application by using the provided SDKs and adding just a few lines of code. This will enhance the security and compliance of your app without the need for complex security code implementation.

Core features of Passkeys by Pangea:


Secure Audit Log









Why could be used Passkeys by Pangea?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Compliance requirements recording
# 2Sensitive data removal
# 3Secure file transfer

Who developed Passkeys by Pangea?

Pangea is a leading provider of security services for developers, offering a simple and effective way to secure applications and comply with regulations. Their platform simplifies the process of integrating security features into apps, allowing developers to focus on app logic and reducing attack surfaces.

FAQ of Passkeys by Pangea