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The Palisade Audit Tool is designed to ensure alignment with the latest email handling updates from major providers like Google and Yahoo. It checks and verifies a domain's email configurations, including DNS settings, SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records, to optimize according to the newest standards and best practices. This enhances deliverability and security for email communications.

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The Palisade Audit Tool is specifically designed to ensure alignment with the latest email handling updates from major providers like Google and Yahoo. Set for a February 1st update, this tool checks and verifies that a domain's email configurations, including DNS settings, SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records, are optimized according to the newest standards and best practices stipulated by these email giants. This ensures enhanced deliverability and security for email communications.

How to use Palisade?

To use the Palisade Audit Tool, simply input your domain name and let the tool analyze and verify your email configurations. Follow the recommendations provided to optimize your settings for enhanced deliverability and security.

Core features of Palisade:


Alignment with email handling updates


Verification of domain email configurations


Optimization of DNS settings


Enhanced deliverability and security


Compliance with email giants' standards

Why could be used Palisade?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Ensuring email deliverability
# 2Enhancing email security
# 3Complying with email giants' standards

Who developed Palisade?

Palisade is a leading provider of email security solutions, dedicated to helping businesses improve their email deliverability and security. With a focus on aligning with the latest email handling updates, Palisade ensures that email communications meet the standards set by major providers like Google and Yahoo.

FAQ of Palisade