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Pagerly CloudCost App

Pagerly helps teams manage operations within Slack with ease. Elevate productivity with tailored workflows, on-call schedules, rotations, and more. Sync on-calls with Slack Usergroup, create custom incident bots, streamline customer operations and support, and utilize 2-way integrations with various platforms. Get started with Pagerly to empower your team's efficiency today.

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SaaSDeveloper Tools
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Pagerly is a platform that helps manage operations within Slack with ease. It offers tailored workflows, on-call schedules, rotations, and more to elevate team productivity. With deep integrations with tools like PagerDuty, OpsGenie, Jira, Github, Zendesk, Hubspot, Salesforce, and more, Pagerly streamlines incident management, IT support, customer support, customer success, and sales coordination. It enhances operational efficiency, incident management, on-call scheduling, real-time collaboration, analytics, and reporting.

How to use Pagerly CloudCost App?

To use Pagerly, simply add it to Slack and start managing operations efficiently. Create rotation schedules, assign tasks, streamline incident responses, collaborate with customers, and integrate with various tools seamlessly within Slack.

Core features of Pagerly CloudCost App:


Tailored workflows


On-call schedules


Incident management


IT support


Customer support

Why could be used Pagerly CloudCost App?

#Use caseStatus
# 1DevOps and SRE Teams
# 2Incident Management Teams
# 3IT Support Teams
# 4Customer Support Teams
# 5Sales Coordinators

Pricing of Pagerly CloudCost App:

Starter Plan


Basic features for small teams

Pro Plan


Advanced features for medium-sized teams

Enterprise Plan

Contact for pricing

Customized solutions for large organizations

Who developed Pagerly CloudCost App?

Sassly Technologies Inc is the maker of Pagerly, based in Delaware, United States. They focus on empowering teams' efficiency through innovative solutions like Pagerly.

FAQ of Pagerly CloudCost App