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Page Pacer

Read faster and stay focused with this free Chrome extension

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EducationTechChrome Extensions
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Page Pacer is a Chrome extension that trains you to read faster and stay focused by setting a pace for reading. It utilizes the Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP) method to guide you through text one word at a time at a user-defined speed, reducing unnecessary eye movements and improving reading speed and comprehension.

How to use Page Pacer?

1. Select the text you want to read 2. Input your desired reading speed (Words Per Minute) 3. Click Start Reading and let Page Pacer guide you through the text at a steady pace.

Core features of Page Pacer:


Trains users to read faster by setting a pace


Guides users through text one word at a time at a user-defined speed


Reduces unnecessary eye movements for improved reading speed


Enhances focus and comprehension


Utilizes the Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP) method

Why could be used Page Pacer?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Improving reading speed
# 2Staying focused while reading lengthy texts
# 3Enhancing comprehension of text

Pricing of Page Pacer:


Basic features for improving reading speed and focus



Advanced features for personalized reading experience

Who developed Page Pacer?

Aaronkhan Hubhachen, Developer at Page Pacer

FAQ of Page Pacer