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The One Page Marketing Plan Generator is a tool to help businesses create a concise and effective marketing strategy on a single page, covering essential aspects like target market, value proposition, marketing channels, budget, metrics, and action steps.

Listed in categories:



The One Page Marketing Plan Generator is a tool designed to help businesses create a concise and effective marketing plan to attract more customers, increase revenue, and simplify the marketing process.

How to use OnoPMP?

Start by answering a few questions about your business goals and target market. The tool will then guide you through creating a one-page marketing plan covering target market, value proposition, marketing channels, budget, metrics, and action steps.

Core features of OnoPMP:


Create a one-page marketing plan covering essential aspects of marketing


Tailor the plan to specific goals and target market


Collaborate with team members to create a unified marketing vision


Streamline marketing efforts with a focused plan


Simplify complex marketing strategies into actionable steps

Why could be used OnoPMP?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Small Businesses and Startups kickstarting their marketing efforts
# 2Marketing Teams collaborating on a unified marketing strategy
# 3Entrepreneurs crafting powerful marketing strategies with limited resources
# 4Solo Professionals streamlining marketing efforts
# 5Business Owners seeking clarity in their marketing strategies

Pricing of OnoPMP:

Basic Plan


Download the ultimate tool for creating a one-page marketing plan

Who developed OnoPMP?

The One Page Marketing Plan Generator is developed by a team of marketing experts dedicated to simplifying the marketing planning process for businesses of all sizes.