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oneRepo is an easy, strict, safe, and fast JavaScript & TypeScript monorepo toolchain for high performance teams.

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Software EngineeringDeveloper ToolsOpen Source


oneRepo is an easy, strict, safe, and fast JavaScript/TypeScript monorepo toolchain designed for high-performance teams. It simplifies automation, ensures strict safety checks, and eliminates the need for recompiling dependencies.

How to use oneRepo?

To get started with oneRepo, first install the CLI using npm or yarn. Then, create your oneRepo by initializing it in an existing or new repository. Follow the prompts or refer to the getting started guide for assistance.

Core features of oneRepo:


Automating tasks


Strict safety checks


Stop recompiling dependencies


Human-readable output

Why could be used oneRepo?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Handling common tasks efficiently
# 2Ensuring workspace integrity and decision-making
# 3Utilizing shared workspaces as dependencies

Who developed oneRepo?

Paul Armstrong is the creator of oneRepo, a monorepo toolchain designed for high-performance teams.

FAQ of oneRepo