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SMS For Companies & Businesses.

Listed in categories:

MessagingCustomer CommunicationMarketing


Notilify is a comprehensive SMS marketing and communication platform that helps companies and businesses send marketing, transactional notifications, and other types of SMS messages. With global reach and multiple integration options, Notilify is a powerful tool for engaging and converting customers.

How to use Notilify?

Sign up now and get 10 free credits to start sending SMS. Craft personalized deals, alert subscribers via SMS, send appointment reminders, and simplify event communication with Notilify's features.

Core features of Notilify:


Send marketing and transactional notifications via SMS


Global reach to audiences in 90 countries


Effortlessly send bulk messages with high open rates


Automated reminders to never miss a customer again


24/7 support for assistance anytime

Why could be used Notilify?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Marketing Campaigns
# 2Service & Support
# 3Appointment Reminders

Pricing of Notilify:

Start For Free Today

Start a free trial with 10 Credits. No Credit Card Required.

Who developed Notilify?

Notilify boosts business-customer relationships with personalized messaging and seamless integration. Inumidun, CEO at Beth Consulting, has seen engagement rates soar since adopting Notilify.

FAQ of Notilify