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searxng is a privacy-respecting open metasearch engine that allows users to search the web without being tracked. It aggregates results from various search engines while ensuring user privacy.

How to use Nool Quest?

Simply visit a public instance of searxng or set up your own instance. Enter your search query in the search bar and browse the aggregated results without worrying about privacy.

Core features of Nool Quest:


Privacy-respecting search


Aggregates results from multiple search engines


Open-source code


Customizable search preferences


Public instances available

Why could be used Nool Quest?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Searching the web anonymously
# 2Finding information without tracking
# 3Using a customizable search engine

Who developed Nool Quest?

searxng is developed by a community of contributors who prioritize user privacy and open-source principles. The project is continuously improved through community feedback and contributions.

FAQ of Nool Quest