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Summarize and chat with YouTube videos

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Nobinge is a platform designed to help users save time and learn faster by summarizing and interacting with YouTube videos. It allows users to bypass ads, sponsors, and chitchat to get straight to the point. With features like summarizing lengthy videos, asking unlimited questions, and interacting in multiple languages, Nobinge aims to enhance the learning experience on YouTube.

How to use Nobinge?

To use Nobinge, simply sign up for an account and start summarizing and interacting with YouTube videos. You can ask unlimited questions, listen to summaries, and interact in multiple languages. If you need assistance, the platform offers human support for any queries.

Core features of Nobinge:


Summarize YouTube videos


Ask unlimited questions


Interact in multiple languages


Estimate time saved


Get human support

Why could be used Nobinge?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Save time while watching videos
# 2Increase productivity by summarizing content
# 3Improve language skills by interacting in different languages

Pricing of Nobinge:

3 videos


One-time payment with 100% money-back guarantee if not satisfied

8 videos


One-time payment with 2 free videos and 100% money-back guarantee if not satisfied

10 videos


One-time payment with 2 free videos and 100% money-back guarantee if not satisfied

Who developed Nobinge?

Nobinge was founded by Benjamin Crozat with the goal of helping users learn faster and more efficiently through video content. The platform is designed to enhance the learning experience by providing tools to save time and eliminate distractions while watching videos.

FAQ of Nobinge