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No Nonsense WishList

Create & Share Your WishList!

Listed in categories:

LifestyleAppleUser Experience
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Wishlist is your ultimate wish management app designed for iPhone users. It helps you organize and share your wishes in a simple and effective way. Effortlessly add wishes, categorize them, secure your data, share wishlists with friends, and synchronize across all your devices.

How to use No Nonsense WishList?

To start using Wishlist, simply download the app from the Mac App Store, create an account or use it as a guest, start adding wishes by submitting URLs, categorize your wishes, secure them by logging in with your Apple account, share wishlists with friends, and enjoy seamless synchronization across all your devices.

Core features of No Nonsense WishList:


Effortless Wish Adding


Categories Organization


Guest Login


Secure Your Wishes


Share with Friends


Seamless Synchronization

Why could be used No Nonsense WishList?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Personal use
# 2Holiday planning
# 3Gift-giving occasions

Pricing of No Nonsense WishList:



Use Wishlist for free with no hidden costs or in-app purchases

Who developed No Nonsense WishList?

Chetan Singh is the developer of Wishlist app, dedicated to providing a user-friendly interface, quick setup, and privacy-first approach to wish management.

FAQ of No Nonsense WishList