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A Next.js SaaS boilerplate

Listed in categories:

FintechSaaSDesign Tools


Nextfast is a powerful boilerplate built on the latest Next.js technology, designed to accelerate the launch of startup web apps, AI projects, and SaaS projects. It provides prebuilt UI components, full authentication flow, client dashboard, billing and subscription management, database setup with Prisma and MongoDB, transactional email capabilities, SEO analytics, and chat integration.

How to use Nextfast?

To use Nextfast, simply purchase the desired plan, access the repository, set up the boilerplate according to your preferences, and start building your web app or SaaS project with ease.

Core features of Nextfast:


Prebuilt UI React Components


Full Authentication Flow


Client Dashboard


Billing & Subscription Management


Prisma & MongoDB Database Setup

Why could be used Nextfast?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Accelerate Startup Launch
# 2SaaS Business Start
# 3Web App Development

Pricing of Nextfast:

Lifetime Access


Lifetime repository access for one user, access to Discord server for support, unlimited usage of code and projects, lifetime updates

Who developed Nextfast?

Nextfast is developed by a team of experienced developers dedicated to providing efficient solutions for startup launches and web app development.

FAQ of Nextfast