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Free automated real time knowledge AI Chat assistant.

Listed in categories:

Artificial Intelligence
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Nexai is an AI-powered chat assistant and semantic search tool that helps website owners enhance customer support and engagement. It offers a range of integrations, customizable UI components, and easy-to-use dashboard for managing projects and teams.

How to use nexai ?

To use Nexai, install it via npm install nexaijs and get the API key. You can then access the REST API and JS library for integrating AI chat assistant and semantic search on your website. Explore the dashboard for managing projects and documents.

Core features of nexai :


AI Chat Assistant


Semantic Search


Custom UI Components


Knowledgebase Indexing



Why could be used nexai ?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Automated Customer Support
# 2Enhanced Search Experience
# 3Team Collaboration

Pricing of nexai :

Developer Plan

Start Free

1 project, 1 website, 1 team member, 1000 AI queries, 10 vector documents index, 100Mb storage, Open source AI included

Beta Cloud Scale

Start Free

10 projects, 10 websites, 5 team members, 100K AI queries, 100 vector documents index, 1Gb storage, Semantic Search Integration, Telegram/Whatsapp bots, Discord/Slack integration

Who developed nexai ?

Nexai was developed by nexaisite to provide state-of-the-art AI chat support and API for building custom applications on top of real-time content delivery.

FAQ of nexai