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Namely is an AI-powered baby name generator that helps you find the perfect name for your baby. Explore thousands of unique baby names, tailor filters to your story, connect with your partner, and share the names you adore. Unlock the world of baby names with Namely and discover names as unique as your baby.

Listed in categories:



Namely is an AI-powered baby name generator that helps parents find the perfect name for their baby in a fun and effortless way. With thousands of unique baby names and tailored filters, Namely makes the naming journey enjoyable and personalized.

How to use Namely?

To use Namely, simply download the app from Google Play or the App Store. Explore thousands of unique baby names, tailor filters to your story, connect and share names with your partner, and find the perfect name that harmonizes with your family. Start your naming journey with Namely today!

Core features of Namely:


AI-powered baby name generation


Tailored filters for personalized recommendations


Connect and share names with your partner


Search by gender and style for name suggestions


Harmonize names with surnames and sibling names

Why could be used Namely?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Finding the perfect baby name
# 2Exploring unique and personalized name options
# 3Sharing and connecting with partner on name choices

Who developed Namely?

Namely is developed by Hog & Mole PTY LTD, a company dedicated to creating innovative and user-friendly tools for parents. With a focus on joy and creativity, Namely aims to make the process of naming a baby a delightful experience for families.

FAQ of Namely