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MyTurnTag Creator

Free customers from waiting by all new NFC number tag way!

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MyTurnTag Creator is an app designed to build an all new NFC call number display system, making customers free from waiting. It simplifies the process of creating and displaying number tags for efficient customer service management.

How to use MyTurnTag Creator?

To use MyTurnTag Creator, you need the app, devices that can display web pages, and NFC or QR code. Write application info to pair tags, create organizations, invite staffs, create shops, and generate number tags. Scan for completing the process and utilize the power of NFC for seamless operations.

Core features of MyTurnTag Creator:


Create organizations


Invite staffs


Create shops


Create number tags


Write info to NFC or QR code


Scan for completing

Why could be used MyTurnTag Creator?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Make customers free from waiting
# 2Build a call number display system more easily and at lower cost
# 3Create efficient customer service management

Who developed MyTurnTag Creator?

MyTurnTag Creator was built for staffs who aim to enhance customer service experience and streamline operations. It offers a user-friendly solution to manage customer queues effectively.

FAQ of MyTurnTag Creator