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Muchtodo AI

Use your voice to create projects, tasks, and notes

Listed in categories:

Task ManagementNotesArtificial Intelligence
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Muchtodo is a task management platform that allows users to create projects, tasks, and notes using voice input. It offers speech-to-text capabilities to boost productivity and save time. The platform ensures secure handling of voice data and supports multilingual input.

How to use Muchtodo AI?

To use Muchtodo, simply speak to create projects, tasks, and notes. You can also manually input tasks if preferred. The platform offers seamless task management with speech-to-text input, allowing users to effortlessly capture their ideas.

Core features of Muchtodo AI:


Speech recognition


Productivity boost


Unlock more time


Turn your voice into action


Simple task management

Why could be used Muchtodo AI?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Effortless task creation
# 2Efficient note-taking
# 3Multilingual support

Pricing of Muchtodo AI:


$2.99 Month

Voice AI to create projects, tasks, and notes 5 projects 500 tasks 500 notes Customer support Priority on feature requests Boards Calendar


$5.99 Month

Voice AI to create projects, tasks, and notes Unlimited projects Unlimited tasks Unlimited notes Customer support Priority on feature requests Boards Calendar

Who developed Muchtodo AI?

Muchtodo is developed by a team dedicated to revolutionizing task management and enhancing productivity. They prioritize user experience and data security to provide a reliable platform for efficient task handling.

FAQ of Muchtodo AI