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Mogoj Mitra

AI platform for automating everyday tasks and building productive AI teams. Connect any data source, author tasks visually, and collaborate effortlessly.

Listed in categories:

Artificial IntelligenceUser ExperienceProductivity
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Mogoj is an AI platform that automates everyday tasks and enables AI teams to work efficiently at a fraction of the cost. It offers early access for free to streamline your work processes.

How to use Mogoj Mitra?

To use Mogoj, simply sign up for early access on the platform and start automating your tasks. You can integrate AI agents with your team, connect data sources, and author tasks visually or through Autogen Crew for efficient workflow management.

Core features of Mogoj Mitra:


Automate everyday tasks with AI agents


Collaborate and reason effortlessly with AI teams


Integrate agents with your team or create autonomous teams


Connect any data source for seamless information retrieval


Author tasks visually or through Autogen Crew

Why could be used Mogoj Mitra?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Automating repetitive tasks for increased productivity
# 2Creating fully automated AI teams supervised by humans
# 3Integrating AI agents to streamline decision-making processes

Pricing of Mogoj Mitra:

Early Access


Get access to basic features and functionalities for free during the beta phase

Who developed Mogoj Mitra?

Mogoj is created by Tridib Roy Arjo, based in Dinajpur, Bangladesh. The platform aims to revolutionize teamwork by leveraging AI technology for enhanced productivity and collaboration.

FAQ of Mogoj Mitra