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mirrord for Teams

Remocal Kubernetes development for teams and enterprises

Listed in categories:

Software EngineeringProductivityDeveloper Tools
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mirrord for Teams is a tool that solves the problems faced by modern cloud developers during microservice development by making remote services feel local. It helps developers stay local, ship code confidently, and eliminates the need for precious staging environments.

How to use mirrord for Teams?

To get started with mirrord for Teams, simply install the CLI tool using 'brew install' and fire up your service from your laptop. The tool will act as if it is running in a Kubernetes staging environment, making it easy to contribute to complex services-based architectures.

Core features of mirrord for Teams:


Embrace the Remocal Future with mirrord CLI, VSCode, and IntelliJ Plugins


Concurrently access staging resources throughout the development process


End the need for git push testing


Clone microservice repo and develop against a fully functional staging environment in minutes


Access remote everything with mirrord CLI tool

Why could be used mirrord for Teams?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Developing against full staging traffic, disks, queues, DNS, and more
# 2Helping developers ship more code easily and securely
# 3Debugging services faster and easier

Pricing of mirrord for Teams:

Basic Plan


Includes basic features for small teams

Pro Plan


Advanced features for larger teams

Who developed mirrord for Teams?

mirrord for Teams is built by a team of Kubernetes experts who have created a tool beloved in the Open Source community and now bring their expertise to the Enterprise.

FAQ of mirrord for Teams