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Personal Relations Manager

Listed in categories:



Meet Mia is your personal relations manager that streamlines your networking experience in real time, making every interaction a sustainable business relationship. It assists you in networking events, business meetings, and social gatherings by managing contacts seamlessly.

How to use Mia PRM?

Scan business cards, manually add new contacts, add context to contacts, share your Mcard, receive follow-up reminders, invest in your connections, and download the app for iOS and Android.

Core features of Mia PRM:


Smart Contacts Manager


Business Cards Facilitator


Relationship Building Partner

Why could be used Mia PRM?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Networking Events
# 2Business Meetings
# 3Social Gatherings

Pricing of Mia PRM:


Get Mia for free

Who developed Mia PRM?

Meet Mia is developed by a team of networking enthusiasts who understand the importance of maintaining connections in today's fast-paced world.

FAQ of Mia PRM