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Mellow-DALLE Image and Prompts Bulk Save

ChatGPT, DALL-E, Prompts, Bulk Download, GenAI Tool

Listed in categories:

ProductivityArtificial IntelligenceDesign Tools
Mellow-DALLE Image and Prompts Bulk Save-image-0
Mellow-DALLE Image and Prompts Bulk Save-image-1
Mellow-DALLE Image and Prompts Bulk Save-image-2


Mellow is a Chrome extension designed for users of ChatGPT who utilize GPTs or DALLE to generate AI images. With Mellow, users can easily save generated images and prompts to third-party applications like Fibery or generate PDF files for local download. It streamlines the management of AI-generated images, making the entire process smoother and more convenient.

How to use Mellow-DALLE Image and Prompts Bulk Save?

To use Mellow, simply install the Chrome extension and follow the on-screen instructions. Once installed, you can easily save generated images and prompts to third-party applications or generate PDF files for local download.

Core features of Mellow-DALLE Image and Prompts Bulk Save:


Save generated images and prompts


Integrate with third-party applications like Fibery


Generate PDF files for local download


Streamline management of AI-generated images


Seamlessly integrate into the browser

Why could be used Mellow-DALLE Image and Prompts Bulk Save?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Save AI-generated images and prompts for future reference
# 2Generate PDF files for easy sharing
# 3Manage AI-generated images efficiently

Who developed Mellow-DALLE Image and Prompts Bulk Save?

The developer of Mellow has not identified themselves as a trader. They have disclosed that they will not collect or use user data for any other purposes than the core functionality of the extension.

FAQ of Mellow-DALLE Image and Prompts Bulk Save