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Meetz Ai

Meetz is an AI Sales Lead Generator that offers personalized and automated outreach with an AI scheduler to book meetings for you. It helps in creating a full sales pipeline with easy, fast, and powerful features. Sign up for free and experience the benefits of Meetz today!

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Meetz is an AI Sales Lead Generator that offers fully personalized and automated outreach with an AI scheduler to book meetings. It helps in creating a full sales pipeline with easy, fast, and powerful features.

How to use Meetz Ai?

To use Meetz, simply sign up for an account, add the AI assistant Laura to your emails, and watch as she takes on conversations to book meetings with coworkers, clients, and prospects.

Core features of Meetz Ai:


Personalized and automated outreach


AI scheduler for meeting bookings


AI-powered email and dialer campaigns


Optimized scheduling with AI assistant


Follow-up automation

Why could be used Meetz Ai?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Generating sales leads
# 2Automating meeting scheduling
# 3Improving follow-up processes

Pricing of Meetz Ai:

Free Plan


Fully functional with limited features

Premium Plan

Custom Pricing

Advanced features and customization options

Who developed Meetz Ai?

Meetz AI is a cutting-edge platform developed using advanced NLP techniques to provide efficient meeting scheduling solutions.

FAQ of Meetz Ai