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Meditation buddies

Instant virtual meditation buddies

Listed in categories:

ProductivityHealth & FitnessMeditation
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Meditation Buddies is an online platform that provides instant meditation accountability partners to help structure your meditation practice. It offers a simple and effective way to meditate regularly with the support of a buddy.

How to use Meditation buddies?

To use Meditation Buddies, simply sign up and get started in seconds. Access instant meditation accountability partners, book a time into the calendar, and wait for a partner or book yourself in with someone. Meditate 1 on 1 over video to make your spiritual practice a seamless part of your life.

Core features of Meditation buddies:


Instant online meditation buddies


Structure your practice




Fun and effective


Meditate now

Why could be used Meditation buddies?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Creating a daily meditation routine
# 2Improving meditation consistency
# 3Enhancing meditation experience

Pricing of Meditation buddies:

Yoda Free Access

Be one of the first 75 users to join Meditation Buddies for free. After that, a small fee will be introduced.

Who developed Meditation buddies?

Viktor and the team at ChiraqTech have been developing Meditation Buddies to make meditation a daily and efficient practice for users.

FAQ of Meditation buddies