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Matter Invoice

Web3 invoices for everyday business ⚡️

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Matter is an invoicing tool that facilitates the integration of users' MetaMask crypto wallets and Stripe for card payments. It makes sending invoices easy and allows users to accept both card and crypto payments globally. Matter charges a fee of 1% per transaction for card payments, while there is no fee for transactions made through MetaMask. Users can create, send, and track invoices easily with Matter.

How to use Matter Invoice?

To use Matter, users can sign up for a free account, connect their Stripe or MetaMask accounts to accept payments, create invoices, share them with customers, track invoices automatically, and choose to accept card or crypto payments or both.

Core features of Matter Invoice:


Send and track invoices


Accept card and crypto payments


Prevent customers from sending funds to the wrong address


Automated tracking of invoices


Easy to use interface

Why could be used Matter Invoice?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Small business invoicing
# 2Accepting payments globally
# 3Automated invoice tracking

Pricing of Matter Invoice:

Free Plan

Free to use with 1% fee on card payments

Who developed Matter Invoice?

Forest Ave Ltd Co is the maker of Matter, a product incubator that focuses on empowering businesses with innovative tools like Matter Invoice.

FAQ of Matter Invoice