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Mark As Read - Shorten long URLs and receive SMS notifications when they are clicked. Get notified when someone important checks your link, who is considering you, and when crucial documents are opened.

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Description is a platform that allows users to shorten URLs, receive SMS notifications when the shortened link is clicked, and track link activity. Users can opt-in to receive SMS notifications and stay informed about who is interacting with their links and documents.

How to use Mark As Read?

To use, simply paste a long URL into the platform, provide your mobile number to receive SMS notifications, and opt-in to receive SMS alerts. You will then receive notifications when your shortened link is clicked.

Core features of Mark As Read:


Shorten long URLs


Get SMS notifications when link is clicked


Track link activity

Why could be used Mark As Read?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Receive SMS notifications when important links are clicked
# 2Track who is interacting with your links
# 3Stay informed about document activity

Who developed Mark As Read? is developed by MarkAsReadOrg, a company dedicated to providing innovative solutions for link tracking and SMS notifications.

FAQ of Mark As Read