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Mail Clipper

Mail Clipper is a Chrome extension that copies email links to your clipboard instead of opening the mail app. It also helps you keep track of copied email addresses. Open source project.

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Mail Clipper is a Chrome extension that allows you to copy email links to your clipboard instead of opening the mail app. It also helps you keep track of email addresses that you've copied. The extension is open source and can be found on GitHub.

How to use Mail Clipper?

To use Mail Clipper, simply install the Chrome extension and click on email links to copy them to your clipboard. The extension will automatically track the email addresses you've copied for easy reference.

Core features of Mail Clipper:


Copy email links to clipboard


Track copied email addresses

Why could be used Mail Clipper?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Quickly copy email links
# 2Avoid opening mail app for copying email addresses

Who developed Mail Clipper?

StackStudioDev is the developer behind Mail Clipper, an open source project aimed at simplifying email address copying for Chrome users.

FAQ of Mail Clipper