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Macaify - Make your Mac-AI-fy

Access ChatGPT quickly using keyboard shortcuts in any app

Listed in categories:

ProductivityMacArtificial Intelligence
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Macaify is a tool that unlocks AI capabilities on any Mac app with just a shortcut key. It allows users to customize AI robots for various tasks and offers over 1000 robot templates. Users can enjoy mouse-free keyboard operations and access features like generating images, searching images, converting text to speech files, and processing web URLs.

How to use Macaify - Make your Mac-AI-fy?

To use Macaify, simply press the shortcut key to access AI capabilities in any app. Customize AI robots for specific tasks and enjoy mouse-free keyboard operations. Process web URLs and search internet content with ease.

Core features of Macaify - Make your Mac-AI-fy:


Unlock AI capabilities on any Mac app


Customize AI robots for workflow tasks


Access over 1000 robot templates


Enable mouse-free keyboard operations


Process web URLs and search internet content

Why could be used Macaify - Make your Mac-AI-fy?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Enhancing productivity in text processing
# 2Automating code generation tasks
# 3Streamlining automation processes

Pricing of Macaify - Make your Mac-AI-fy:



Enjoy most basic functions with unlimited number of bots and 1000 predefined bots. Use your own API Key and get a monthly free quota of 50.



Includes all Free Plan features plus AI-powered Image creation, Image search, Voice AI capabilities, and Charting creation. Monthly free quota of 1000.



Includes all Standard Plan features, expert team support, and a monthly free quota of 3000.

Who developed Macaify - Make your Mac-AI-fy?

Nanjing Zuimeijia Technology Co Ltd

FAQ of Macaify - Make your Mac-AI-fy