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AI powered data visualization in 0.32 seconds

Listed in categories:

SpreadsheetsData & AnalyticsData Visualization


Lychee is a user-friendly platform that instantly graphs your spreadsheets, saving you time and hassle. It offers a variety of chart options, requires no coding skills, and is cost-effective. Say goodbye to complex tools and let Lychee do the heavy lifting for you.

How to use Lychee?

1. Drop your spreadsheet into the upload box to graphify it instantly. 2. Watch the magic as your chart is generated. 3. Choose from a variety of chart options to customize your data visualization.

Core features of Lychee:


Instant Graphs


Zero Hassle




Variety Of Chart Options


The Excel Killer

Why could be used Lychee?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Data Analysis
# 2Report Generation
# 3Data Visualization

Pricing of Lychee:

Lifetime Access

Get access to all current and future features for a one-time purchase. No monthly subscriptions required.

Who developed Lychee?

Lychee is developed by a team dedicated to simplifying data visualization for users of all levels. They aim to provide a tool that is affordable, easy to use, and efficient for turning spreadsheets into graphs.

FAQ of Lychee