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Predibase is a platform for finetuning and serving specialized opensource language models efficiently and cost-effectively.

Listed in categories:

Artificial IntelligenceSaaS


Predibase is a platform that offers efficient finetuning and serving of opensource language models. It provides state-of-the-art finetuning techniques and cost-effective serving infrastructure for taskspecific models.

How to use LoraLand?

To use Predibase, start by selecting an opensource language model to finetune. Kick off the finetuning job and stream training logs and metrics. Dynamically serve the finetuned models in one deployment using the scalable serving infrastructure.

Core features of LoraLand:


Efficient Finetuning


Cost-effective Serving Infrastructure


Model Ownership


Scalable Infrastructure


Instant Deployment

Why could be used LoraLand?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Classification
# 2Information Extraction
# 3Customer Sentiment

Pricing of LoraLand:

Basic Plan


Includes access to basic finetuning and serving features

Pro Plan


Includes advanced finetuning and serving features

Who developed LoraLand?

Predibase is built by AI leaders from Uber, Google, Apple, and Amazon. It is developed and deployed with the world's leading organizations, offering a first-class finetuning experience.

FAQ of LoraLand