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LOGOS ground control station

Software solution for unmanned aerial vehicles

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AEROLOGOS is a ground control station for MavLink-based UAVs that allows users to manage their unmanned fleet in a whole new way. It enables users to design and customize flight missions, including cargo delivery, 3D photogrammetry, and wind turbine maintenance.

How to use LOGOS ground control station?

To use AEROLOGOS, simply download the software and follow the instructions provided. Design flight missions, create routes for cargo delivery or photogrammetry, and manage wind turbine maintenance with ease using the intuitive interface of LOGOS GCS.

Core features of LOGOS ground control station:


Manage unmanned fleet


Design and customize flight missions


Cargo delivery with UAVs


3D photogrammetry with drones


Wind turbines maintenance

Why could be used LOGOS ground control station?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Cargo delivery to disaster areas
# 23D photogrammetry for building digitization
# 3Wind turbine maintenance

Who developed LOGOS ground control station?

AEROLOGOS LLC is dedicated to developing ground control systems that focus on customer satisfaction, industry development, and the introduction of new trends in the UAV industry.

FAQ of LOGOS ground control station