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Linky Notes

Create rich, interconnected notes with blocks

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Linky Notes is a linkable memo application designed for iPhone. It allows users to create notes consisting of multiple text blocks that can be individually copied or deleted. Users can add links to other notes for reference and categorize notes with tags. The app supports text formatting using Markdown syntax and note duplication for template-like usage, aiming to help users organize information effectively.

How to use Linky Notes?

To use Linky Notes, simply download the app from the Mac App Store and install it on your iPhone. Create new notes, categorize them with tags, copy or delete text blocks, add links to other notes, and format text using Markdown syntax. Explore the features and functionalities to organize your information efficiently.

Core features of Linky Notes:


Categorize notes with tags


Copy or delete individual text blocks within a note


Add links to other notes for reference


Text formatting using Markdown syntax


Note duplication for template-like usage

Why could be used Linky Notes?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Organizing information effectively
# 2Referencing other notes while editing
# 3Creating template-like notes

Pricing of Linky Notes:


Who developed Linky Notes?

Yasuhiro Yamamoto is the developer of Linky Notes. The app is designed by Yasuhiro Yamamoto with a focus on providing a user-friendly and efficient memo application for iPhone users.

FAQ of Linky Notes