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Dislikes for LinkedIn

Listed in categories:

MarketingLinkedInChrome Extensions


LinkedOut is a browser extension that adds dislike buttons to LinkedIn posts, allowing users to express their dislike for a post.

How to use LinkedOut?

Install the LinkedOut browser extension on Chrome or Firefox. Scroll down for more information on how to use the dislike buttons on LinkedIn posts.

Core features of LinkedOut:


Add dislike buttons to LinkedIn posts


Display count of dislikes on posts


Anonymous dislike functionality

Why could be used LinkedOut?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Expressing dislike for a LinkedIn post
# 2Providing feedback on posts
# 3Enhancing user experience on LinkedIn

Who developed LinkedOut?

J4A Industries is the maker of LinkedOut, a company with a history of developing browser extensions and a commitment to user privacy and data protection.

FAQ of LinkedOut