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250+ LinkedIn Ads Examples for Inspiration & Better Results

Listed in categories:



LinkedInAdsClub is a comprehensive library featuring over 250 high-performing LinkedIn Ads from various industries, showcasing campaigns from early-stage startups to Fortune 500 companies. It helps marketers get inspired and improve their LinkedIn advertising strategies with regularly updated examples.

How to use LinkedInAds.Club?

To use LinkedInAdsClub, simply choose a pricing plan that suits your needs. Access the database of 250 high-performing LinkedIn Ads, filter them by industry and ad type, and get inspired to improve your own ad campaigns. You can also opt for the custom campaign teardown service to receive actionable advice on enhancing your ad creatives and copy.

Core features of LinkedInAds.Club:


Access to 250 high-performing LinkedIn Ads


Filter campaigns by industry and ad type


Custom campaign teardown service


Lifetime updates included

Why could be used LinkedInAds.Club?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Get inspiration for LinkedIn ad campaigns
# 2Improve ad performance and ROI
# 3Enhance engagement and conversion rates

Pricing of LinkedInAds.Club:

Database Access


Lifetime access to 250 campaigns examples, filter by industry and ad type, lifetime updates

Database + Slack Community Access


Lifetime access to 250 campaigns examples, filter by industry and ad type, access to Slack community for advice, lifetime updates

Custom Campaign Teardown


Detailed teardown of your campaign, actionable advice on creatives and copy, delivered in 3 business days, free lifetime access to database and Slack community

Who developed LinkedInAds.Club?

Simon Robic is the co-founder of Screeb, in charge of the product and marketing. At Screeb, they use LinkedIn campaigns to acquire new customers for their customer feedback platform, which inspired the creation of LinkedInAdsClub.

FAQ of LinkedInAds.Club