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LinguaLinkAI is the ultimate command-line utility for translating JSON, Markdown, CSV, and TSV files into your specified language. Powered by cutting-edge language models, LinguaLinkAI combines flexibility, ease of use, and support for multiple translation engines, making it your go-to tool for file translation tasks.

Listed in categories:

ProductivityArtificial IntelligenceLanguages


LinguaLinkAI is the ultimate command-line utility for translating JSON, Markdown, CSV, and TSV files into your specified language. Powered by cutting-edge language models, LinguaLinkAI combines flexibility, ease of use, and support for multiple translation engines, making it your go-to tool for file translation tasks.

How to use LinguaLinkAI?

To use LinguaLinkAI, ensure you have Node.js installed on your system. Install LinguaLinkAI globally using npm. Configure LinguaLinkAI by running 'lingualinkai' and selecting a language model from the available options. Start a translation job by specifying the source and destination paths along with the target language. LinguaLinkAI will process the files and output the translated files to the destination location.

Core features of LinguaLinkAI:


Multiple Format Support


Batch Translation


Flexible Language Model Options


Simple Configuration


Automated Language Targeting

Why could be used LinguaLinkAI?

#Use caseStatus
# 1JSON File Translation
# 2Markdown File Translation
# 3CSV and TSV File Translation

Who developed LinguaLinkAI?

DCoderAI Micro Sass Labs creates diverse experimental generative AI products.

FAQ of LinguaLinkAI