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LeetCard: AI-powered FlashCards

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iOSEducationArtificial Intelligence
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LeetCard is an AI-powered flashcard app designed to supercharge problem-solving skills and help users ace coding interviews. With personalized study plans, smart flashcards, and detailed analytics, LeetCard offers a comprehensive learning experience for beginners and seasoned professionals alike.

How to use LeetCard: AI-powered FlashCards?

To use LeetCard, download the app from the App Store, create a personalized study plan, explore the AI-powered hint system, master concepts with smart flashcards, and track your progress using the personalized dashboard and detailed analytics.

Core features of LeetCard: AI-powered FlashCards:


AI-Powered Hint System


Customized Study Plans


Streamlined Organization


Smart Flashcards


Personalized Dashboard

Why could be used LeetCard: AI-powered FlashCards?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Preparing for coding interviews
# 2Improving problem-solving skills
# 3Reinforcing coding concepts on the go

Pricing of LeetCard: AI-powered FlashCards:



Basic features included with in-app purchases available for advanced features

Who developed LeetCard: AI-powered FlashCards?

Sung Jie Hung is the developer behind LeetCard, dedicated to providing users with a powerful tool to enhance their coding skills and excel in technical interviews.

FAQ of LeetCard: AI-powered FlashCards