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Kor is a tool to discover unused Kubernetes resources. It can identify and list unused ConfigMaps, Secrets, Services, ServiceAccounts, Deployments, StatefulSets, Roles, ClusterRoles, HPAs, PVCs, Ingresses, PDBs, CRDs, PVs, Pods, Jobs, ReplicaSets, DaemonSets, and more.

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Kor is a tool to discover unused Kubernetes resources. It can identify and list various types of unused resources in a Kubernetes cluster.

How to use KOR?

To use Kor, download the binary for your operating system from the releases page and add it to your system's PATH. You can also install Kor using Homebrew for macOS users or build it from source. Run Kor as a container with your kubeconfig mounted, as a Helm chart for cronjob or deployment in your cluster, or directly as a binary with specific subcommands and flags for resource identification and deletion.

Core features of KOR:


Identify and list unused resources


Supports various subcommands for different resource types


Provides flags for customization like delete, exclude, and output format


Offers in-cluster usage options like CronJob and Prometheus metrics


Allows for interactive resource deletion with confirmation prompts

Why could be used KOR?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Identifying and cleaning up unused resources in Kubernetes clusters
# 2Automating resource cleanup tasks in Kubernetes environments
# 3Monitoring resource usage and optimizing resource allocation in Kubernetes deployments

Who developed KOR?

Yonah Dissen is the creator of Kor, a Golang tool for Kubernetes resource management. The tool is open source and available under the MIT License, welcoming contributions and feedback from the community.