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Kisaan QR

Cloud Based QR Code Generating Software for Agri Businesses

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Kisaan QR is a cloud-based QR code generating software designed specifically for the tenders of Dept of Agriculture. It allows agribusinesses to create unique QR codes for their products, enabling inventory management and traceability. The software helps track products from companies to market, providing transparency and traceability for consumers and authorities.

How to use Kisaan QR?

Sign up and login to start generating QR codes for your agriproducts hassle-free anywhere, anytime. For more information and enquiries, please contact us at +919901156469 or visit

Core features of Kisaan QR:


QR code generation


Inventory management




Product tracking


Transparency and traceability

Why could be used Kisaan QR?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Agribusinesses submitting products for department tenders
# 2Agriproducts manufacturing companies tracking products
# 3Improving transparency and customer engagement in the agriculture industry

Pricing of Kisaan QR:

Contact Us

Who developed Kisaan QR?

World Vision Softek is a full-service IT business solutions company specializing in bespoke websites, web & mobile apps, eCommerce, AI/ML, custom software, ERP, CRM, digital marketing, and branding services. With over 12 years of experience, they have served 1000 clients across 17 countries.

FAQ of Kisaan QR