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Juggle is an app that empowers people to build quality relationships and make a difference in their lives by focusing on who truly matters. It helps users stay connected, organize relationships, set reminders, and communicate effectively.

Listed in categories:



At Juggle, our goal is to empower people to build quality relationships that make a difference in their lives. The Juggle app helps users stay connected, organize relationships, set reminders, and communicate effectively.

How to use Juggle?

To use the Juggle app, simply download it from the app store, create an account, and start adding contacts. Set reminders for important dates and events, and stay connected with the people who matter most to you.

Core features of Juggle:


Stay connected with important people


Organize and track relationships


Set reminders for important dates


Communicate effectively


Empower users to build meaningful connections

Why could be used Juggle?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Staying in touch with family and friends
# 2Managing professional relationships
# 3Keeping track of important dates and events

Who developed Juggle?

Juggle Inc. is dedicated to helping people prioritize and nurture their relationships through technology. Our mission is to empower individuals to build stronger and more meaningful connections in their lives.

FAQ of Juggle