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JSON Scout

Get Structured Data from Unstructured Content.

Listed in categories:

Data ScienceAPIData
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JSON Scout is a data extraction tool that helps users convert text content into structured JSON data without the need for complex REGEX patterns. It leverages AI technology to extract data with precision and efficiency.

How to use JSON Scout?

JSON Scout saves development time and maintenance by defining the output, providing content, and fetching insights to process and return structured data. Users can stop the endless cycle of writing complex REGEX patterns and boost productivity by using JSON Scout's intuitive data extraction capabilities.

Core features of JSON Scout:


Scale with Ease


Automatic Data Cleaning


Custom Formats


No more REGEX

Why could be used JSON Scout?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Extracting specific data fields from text content
# 2Converting unstructured data into structured JSON
# 3Automating data extraction processes

Pricing of JSON Scout:


$0 Month

Try for free with 5000 Tokens and 250 Character Limit for Text Data Extraction and Audio Data Extraction


$9 Month

Great for getting started with 500000 Tokens, 500 Character Limit, Text Data Extraction, Audio Data Extraction, and Basic Email Support


$99 Month

Our most popular plan with 10000000 Tokens, 500 Character Limit, Text Data Extraction, Audio Data Extraction, 100 Batch Limit, and Basic Email Support


$499 Month

For the power user with 50000000 Tokens, 1000 Character Limit, 500 Batch Limit, Text Data Extraction, Audio Data Extraction, Priority Email Support, and Integration Support

Who developed JSON Scout?

JSON Scout is developed by a team of data extraction experts who aim to simplify the process of converting unstructured data into structured JSON format. They are dedicated to providing accurate and efficient data extraction solutions for businesses and individuals.

FAQ of JSON Scout