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Jory helps you focus on the good things in your life, leading to better health and happiness. Backed by research, Jory keeps a journal of experiences that made you happy or grateful and reminds you of them unexpectedly. Chat with Jory on Telegram or visit the website to learn more.

Listed in categories:

Health & FitnessBotsArtificial Intelligence


Jory is a personal happiness and gratitude journaling app that helps users focus on the positive aspects of their lives. Backed by research, Jory keeps track of experiences that bring happiness and gratitude, reminding users of them unexpectedly.

How to use Jory?

To use Jory, simply start journaling your happy and grateful experiences. The app will then remind you of these moments when you least expect it, helping you stay positive and grateful throughout the day.

Core features of Jory:


Journaling happy and grateful experiences


Reminding users of positive experiences


Telegram integration

Why could be used Jory?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Improving mental well-being
# 2Enhancing happiness and gratitude
# 3Boosting overall health and wellness

Who developed Jory?

Jory is developed by a team of happiness and wellness enthusiasts dedicated to helping individuals lead happier and healthier lives.

FAQ of Jory