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Instant bar

The missing dock for Vision Pro

Listed in categories:

Apple Vision ProProductivityApple
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Instant Bar is an all-in-one status bar app for quick access to system information and launching shortcuts at a glance. It keeps volume levels, date & time, upcoming events, and battery status always visible. Users can place shortcuts to most-used apps and essential links on the bar for easy access. The app is designed with the Vision OS aesthetic in mind, providing a seamless experience and customizable interface.

How to use Instant bar?

To use Instant Bar, simply download the app from the Apple App Store and install it on your device. Once installed, customize the widgets and shortcuts displayed on the status bar according to your preferences. You can then easily access system information and launch shortcuts with a glance.

Core features of Instant bar:


Quick access to system information


Launching shortcuts at a glance


Keeping volume levels and battery status visible


Placing shortcuts to most-used apps


Customizable interface

Why could be used Instant bar?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Quickly checking system information
# 2Launching apps and links without interruption
# 3Customizing the interface for personal preferences

Pricing of Instant bar:

Basic Plan


Access to basic features and customization options

Pro Plan


Unlock advanced features and additional widgets

Who developed Instant bar?

Yujian Yao is the developer behind Instant Bar. The app is designed to enhance user experience by providing quick access to essential information and shortcuts on the status bar.

FAQ of Instant bar