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Insighto is a feedback collection and prioritization tool that helps startups and businesses gather insights from their users to build products that users love. It allows users to submit feature requests, prioritize features based on user feedback, and customize their feedback boards.

How to use Insighto?

To use Insighto, sign up for a free account, create a feedback board, invite users to submit feature requests, prioritize features based on user votes, and customize the board to match your brand. You can also chat and discuss features with users and add a custom domain to your IndiePage.

Core features of Insighto:


Collect user feedback


Prioritize features based on user votes


Customize feedback boards


Chat and discuss features


Add custom domain to IndiePage

Why could be used Insighto?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Collecting feedback from customers
# 2Prioritizing feature development
# 3Customizing feedback boards

Pricing of Insighto:

Free Plan


Collect feedback for free

Who developed Insighto?

Insighto is created by Marc, the maker of ShipFast, Zenvoice, IndiePage, and 20 other products. Marc is dedicated to helping startups succeed by providing tools for efficient product development and user feedback.

FAQ of Insighto