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Ingestr is a command-line application that allows you to ingest data from any source into any destination using simple command-line flags, no code necessary.

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Data & AnalyticsOpen SourceGitHub


Ingestr is a command-line application that allows you to ingest data from any source into any destination using simple command-line flags, without the need for writing any code. It simplifies the process of copying data between databases with a single command.

How to use Ingestr?

To use Ingestr, simply install it using 'pip install ingestr' and then run the command 'ingestr ingest' followed by the necessary source and destination details as command-line arguments.

Core features of Ingestr:


Copy data from any source to any destination


Incremental loading


Append, merge, or delete data


Insert data with a single command


Seamless data ingestion process

Why could be used Ingestr?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Migrating data from one database to another
# 2Loading data into a data warehouse
# 3Automating data ingestion processes

Who developed Ingestr?

Ingestr is developed by the BruinData team, who have created this tool as a simple and opinionated wrapper around the work of SQLAlchemy and dlt teams to facilitate data ingestion processes.

FAQ of Ingestr