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Modern solution for freelancers and individuals.

Listed in categories:

FinancePersonal FinanceMoney


ImpennyHome is a modern solution for freelancers and individuals, providing a place to manage expenses and clients seamlessly.

How to use Impenny?

To use ImpennyHome, simply sign up for an account, choose a pricing plan that suits your needs, and start managing your expenses and clients with ease.

Core features of Impenny:


Easily look up for expenses with our brand new dashboard


Manage clients and keep track of their payments in few clicks


Effortlessly send invoices to remind clients about pending payment

Why could be used Impenny?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Expense tracking
# 2Client management
# 3Invoicing

Pricing of Impenny:



Expenses Tracker, Transaction Categorization, Basic Reports, Invoice Creation & Sending, Priority Customer Support, Expenses Automation (Coming Soon), Live Customer Support



Expenses Tracker, Transaction Categorization, Basic Reports, 15 Invoice Creation & Sending, Priority Customer Support, Expenses Automation (Coming Soon), Live Customer Support



Unlimited Clients, Expenses Tracker, Transaction Categorization, Basic Reports, Unlimited Invoice Creation & Sending, Priority Customer Support, Expenses Automation (Coming Soon), Live Customer Support

Who developed Impenny?

ImpennyHome is developed by a team of experienced professionals dedicated to providing efficient solutions for freelancers and individuals.

FAQ of Impenny